What is an unusual word from all the combinations possible ?Undoubtedly one of the most peculiar words from this list is 'myxoedema'. The dictionary defines it as "A disease producing a peculiar cretinoid appearance of the face, slow speech, and dullness of intellect, and due to failure of the functions of the thyroid gland. -- Myx`o*dem"a*tous (#), a., myx`o*dem"ic (#), a.".
How many characters does the longest word on this page contain?The longest word one could construct from this list is 'lymphangioendothelioma', which has 22 letters.
What is the most common word that ends with 'ma'?The most popular word in the dictionary according to our database is 'ma', which is in fact the 1279th most common word in the dictionary.
What is the total number of words one can make from this list?On this list of words which end with 'ma', you have 1,201 entries that can be selected.
In Scrabble, what is the highest score you can get from this list of words which end with 'ma'?Considering the diverse range of words to pick from, you may want to pick 'jaquima' scoring 25 points.