What is the most common word for this page?We've identified that 'so' is the 38th most common word.
What is the largest word you can derive with this list?'Capriccioso' has 11 characters, and is the longest word possible to make from the combination searched for.
What is the maximum number of words one is able to assemble from this list?You can make 130 words from this list.
What is an unusual word from all the word combos available on this page?We consider 'amoroso' to be the most strange word you can construct. 'Amoroso' is defined as "A lover; a man enamored. In a soft, tender, amatory style.", according to the dictionary.
What's the highest possible score you could get in Scrabble from this list of words that end with 'so'?Considering the diverse range of words from which to select, you should try 'grazioso' which scores 18 points.