What is the longest word you can derive with this list?The word 'kimeridgian' has 11 characters.
What's the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'kim'?For a total of 19 points in Scrabble, it is possible to play 'kimberly'.
What is the max number of words one is able to put together using words that start with 'kim'?A maximum of 19 words!
What is an example of a unusual word from this page?We feel that 'kimono' to be the most weird word. According to the dictionary, 'kimono' means "1. A kind of loose robe or gown tied with a sash, worn as an outer garment by Japanese men and women. 2. A similar gown worn as a dressing gown by women of Western nations.".
Which word on this page stands out as the most common?The most well-known word is 'kimono', which is actually the 62488th most common word in this list.