Words beginning with 'zw'

Your particular request has resulted in 10 eligible words.

7 letter words

  • zwitter

8 letter words

  • zwieback

9 letter words

  • zwanziger
  • zwiebacks
  • zwinglian

10 letter words

  • zwieselite
  • zwitterion

12 letter words

  • zwinglianism
  • zwinglianist
  • zwitterionic

In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get from words beginning with 'zw'?
For 28 points, you can play 'zwieback'.

What's the max number of words you are able to create from this combination of letters?
You can pick from a maximum of 10 entries using our page of words which start with 'zw'.

Which word from this list consists the largest number of letters?
The longest word that's possible to assemble from this list is 'zwinglianism', which contains 12 characters.

Is there an example of a word from this page of word that starts with 'zw' which might be thought of as interesting?
There are a number of peculiar words in this list, although our favorite word currently is 'zwanziger'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'zwanziger' is defined as "Am Austrian silver coin equivalent to 20 kreutzers, or about 10 cents.".