Words with 'nas' at the start and 'e' at the end

10 entries have been discovered based on this letter combination.

6 letter words

  • nasute

8 letter words

  • nasalise
  • nasalize
  • nascence
  • nasonite
  • nassidae

9 letter words

  • nashville
  • nasillate
  • nasoscope

12 letter words

  • nasopalatine

What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
Using this combination, it is possible to play 'nasalize' scoring 17 points.

Which word that starts with 'nas' and ends with 'e' is the most interesting?
'Nasopalatine' is definitely the most peculiar word from our list of words that start with 'nas' and end with 'e'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'nasopalatine' means "Connected with both the nose and the palate; as, the nasopalatine or incisor, canal connecting the mouth and the nasal chamber in some animals; the nasopalatine nerve.".

What is the largest word you can construct from the combination specified?
There are 12 characters in the word 'nasopalatine', making it the longest word veryceleb has.

How many words can you make using the combination searched for?
There are 10 words you could use for words that start with 'nas' and end with 'e'.