How many characters are in the biggest word on this list?There are 19 characters in the word 'nonbureaucratically', that makes it the longest word on our page.
Which word on this page ranks as the most popular?A well-known word for the combination you searched is 'unbroken'.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are a vast 1,423 entries, your best option is 'hymnbook' which scores 22 points in total.
What's the max number of words one is able to assemble from this combination of letters?You can select up to a maximum of 1,423 entries using our list of words with 'nb' in them.
What is an example of a unique word with 'nb' in them?The most stand out word based on public feedback is 'unbit'. The dictionary defines it as "To remove the turns of (a rope or cable) from the bits; as, to unbit a cable. Totten.".