In total, how many words is it possible to make using this combination of letters?It's possible to create 788 words using this list.
In Scrabble, what is the best score possible from this list of words beginning with 'b' and ending with 'a'?As there are loads of words to choose from, you'll want to try 'bizcacha' scoring 26 points.
Which word from this list contains the largest number of characters?There are 19 characters in the word 'blepharoblennorrhea', making it the longest word we have.
Which word on this page is the most common?Our database says the most common word in the dictionary that start with 'b' and end with 'a' is 'bella'.
What is an unusual word from the combinations available on this list?You can choose many peculiar words in this list, however our favorite word at the moment is 'beccabunga'. 'Beccabunga' is defined as "See Brooklime.", according to the dictionary.