Words with 'b' as the first letter that end with 'z'

Your search term has generated 24 eligible results.

2 letter words

  • bz

3 letter words

  • biz
  • buz

4 letter words

  • bayz
  • batz
  • bizz
  • buzz

5 letter words

  • blitz
  • blizz
  • bortz
  • brizz
  • bruzz
  • burez

6 letter words

  • befriz
  • bejazz
  • bezazz
  • blintz
  • bonnaz

8 letter words

  • barometz
  • biquartz

9 letter words

  • ballplatz
  • berkowitz
  • burkundaz

13 letter words

  • ballhausplatz

What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words beginning with 'b' and ending with 'z'?
It is possible to make 'bezazz' for a total of 35 points.

Which word in particular on this page has the highest letter count?
The longest word is 13 letters long, which is 'ballhausplatz'.

What's the maximum number of words one is able to make using this combination of letters?
From this page of words that start with 'b' and end with 'z', veryceleb has discovered 24 fantastic combinations which are possible.

Which word on this page ranks as the most common?
'Buzz' is the most popular word from this that start with 'b' and end with 'z', ranked 19134th most common word.

What's a peculiar word from the word combos available ?
One example of a strange word from this list goes to 'buzz'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'buzz' is defined as "To make a low, continuous, humming or sibilant sound, like that made by bees with their wings. Hence: To utter a murmuring sound; to speak with a low, humming voice. Like a wasp is buzzed, and stung him. Longfellow. However these disturbers of our peace Buzz in the people's ears....".