In total, how many words could one make using this list?There are a maximum of 951 entries for this page.
What's the most common word that starts with 'c' and ends with 'm'?'Claim' is the most well-known word from this page, ranked 1555th most common word.
Which is the most unusual word from this page?'Classicalism' is certainly the most peculiar word in our list of words that start with 'c' and end with 'm'. 'Classicalism''s definition is "1. A classical idiom, style, or expression; a classicism. 2. Adherence to what are supposed or assumed to be the classical canons of art.", according to the dictionary.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?As there are a sizeable 951 entries, your best bet is 'chazanim' which scores 24 points.
Which word on this page contains the largest number of letters?The word 'christianogentilism' is made up of 19 characters.