Which is the most unique word from this page?The most interesting word from this list is 'caviar'. The typical definition of 'caviar' is as follows: "The roes of the sturgeon, prepared and salted; -- used as a relish, esp. In Russia. Note: Caviare was considered a delicacy, by some, in Shakespeare's time, but was not relished by most. Hence Hamlet says of a certain play. "'T was caviare to the general," i. E., above the...".
How many characters are in the biggest word on this list?The largest word is 19 letters long, which is 'counterdemonstrator'.
Is there any word on this page that stands out as the most popular?A well-known word for your request is 'character'.
What is the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that start with 'c' and end with 'r'?With a vast 1,970 entries, it's best to opt for 'chicquer' scoring 24 points overall.
What is the total number of words you can assemble using this combination of letters?You can go with up to a maximum of 1,970 entries.