How many characters are in the largest word on this page?There are 22 characters in the word 'dacryocystosyringotomy', making it the biggest word we have.
What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words with 'd' as the 1st letter that end with 'y'?As there are a considerable 1,733 entries, you may want to go for 'dizzily' scoring 29 points.
In total, how many words are available using the combination of letters requested?You can make 1,733 words with the specified letter combination.
Is there a specific word from this page of word that starts with 'd' and ends with 'y' which could be deemed as unique?There are several weird words on this page, albeit our favorite word currently is 'dangleberry'. The definition of 'dangleberry' is as follows: "A dark blue, edible berry with a white bloom, and its shrub (Gaylussacia frondosa) closely allied to the common huckleberry. The bush is also called blue tangle, and is found from New England to Kentucky, and southward.". Credit to the Cambridge Dictionary.
What's the most popular word that starts with 'd' and ends with 'y' in the dictionary?'Day' is the most well-known word from this that start with 'd' and end with 'y', ranked 128th most common word.