Which word on this page has the largest letter count?'Electroencephalographs' contains 22 letters, and is the longest word you can make from this list.
Which word on this page stands out as the most popular?Rating as the 183rd most common word, you'll want to ensure that you have 'eyes' in your repertoire.
What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With an overwhelming 2,928 entries, it's best to go for 'exequies' which scores 24 points in total.
Is there an example of a word from this page that could be thought of as unique?One of the most interesting words from this list is 'entomophagous'. It is defined as "Feeding on insects; insectivorous.".
What is the max number of words you could make using this list?It's possible to make 2,928 words using the specified combination.