What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble using the requested combination ?As there is just a small number of words to choose from, your only feasible choice is 'efflux' scoring 19 points.
Is there a word on this page that stands out as the most popular?The most popular word in this list is 'eaux', which happens to be the 18652nd most common word in the dictionary.
What is a peculiar word from this list of words that start with 'e' and end with 'ux'?Standing as the most weird word on this list is 'efflux'. The standard definition of 'efflux' is as follows: "1. The act or process of flowing out, or issuing forth; effusion; outflow; as, the efflux of matter from an ulcer; the efflux of men's piety. It is then that the devout affections . . . Are incessantly in efflux. I. Taylor. 2. That which flows out; emanation; effluence. Prime...". Credit goes to Oxford Dictionary.
How many viable words could one make from this combination of letters?There are 3 words covering all combinations.
Which word in particular on this page consists the largest number of letters?The word 'entredeux' contains 9 characters.