Words with 'fea' at the start and 'r' at the end

12 words were constructed using your search term.

4 letter words

  • fear

6 letter words

  • fearer
  • feasor
  • feater

7 letter words

  • feaster
  • feather

8 letter words

  • featlier

9 letter words

  • featherer

10 letter words

  • fearfuller
  • featherier

13 letter words

  • feathermonger
  • featherworker

What's an unusual word from all the word combinations possible ?
Ranking as our favorite unusual word on this page is 'feather'. The dictionary defines it as "1. One of the peculiar dermal appendages, of several kinds, belonging to birds, as contour feathers, quills, and down. Note: An ordinary feather consists of the quill or hollow basal part of the stem; the shaft or rachis, forming the upper, solid part of the stem; the vanes or webs,...".

How many words are there using this combination of letters?
On this list of words with 'fea' at the start and 'r' at the end, there are 12 combinations that are available.

What's the longest word you can make with this list?
The largest word constructed by our team is 'feathermonger'.

What's the highest score you could get in Scrabble using this list of words with 'fea' at the start and 'r' at the end?
Using this particular combination, the best word to play is 'feather' for a score of 13 points.

Which word that starts with 'fea' and ends with 'r' is the most popular word?
Ranking as the 547th most common word, you will want to make sure you have 'fear' in your arsenal.