Words with 'h' as the first letter that end with 'j'

For words beginning with 'h' and ending with 'j', there are 4 results available.

3 letter words

  • haj

4 letter words

  • hadj
  • hajj

7 letter words

  • hajilij

What word that starts with 'h' and ends with 'j' is the most unique?
You'll uncover many weird words in this list, with that said our favorite word is 'hadj'. 'Hadj' is defined as "The pilgrimage to Mecca, performed by Mohammedans.", according to the English dictionary.

How many letters are in the longest word on this list?
'Hajilij', which is made up of 7 letters.

How many words are possible to make using the combination you've searched for?
You can choose from 4 entries that cover all combinations.

In Scrabble, what's the highest possible score you can get from this list of words beginning with 'h' and ending with 'j'?
As there is only 4 entries to pick from, the only word you can play for is 'hajilij' which scores 24 points.