Words with 'h' as the first letter that end with 'z'

13 results were assembled from the combination you requested.

4 letter words

  • hayz
  • hizz
  • huzz

5 letter words

  • hafiz
  • heinz
  • hertz
  • hienz

6 letter words

  • halerz
  • halutz
  • hametz
  • howitz

7 letter words

  • humbuzz

10 letter words

  • hakenkreuz

Which word that starts with 'h' and ends with 'z' is the most unusual?
'Huzz' is certainly the most interesting word from our list of words that start with 'h' and end with 'z'. The dictionary defines it as "To buzz; to murmur. [Obs.] Huzzing and burring in the preacher's ear. Latimer.".

What's the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
From this combination, one can make 'humbuzz' which gets 32 points.

What's the maximum number of words you could make using this list?
13 words!

Which word in particular on this page has the highest character count?
'Hakenkreuz' is the largest word that the veryceleb database could locate.