Words with 'hem' at the start and 'd' at the end

Overall there are 24 words that are possible to use from the dictionary for words beginning with 'hem' and ending with 'd'.

5 letter words

  • hemad

6 letter words

  • hemmed
  • hemoid

7 letter words

  • hemapod
  • hematid
  • hemipod
  • hemopod

8 letter words

  • hematoid
  • hempseed
  • hempweed

9 letter words

  • hemolyzed

10 letter words

  • hemerobiid
  • hemorrhoid
  • hemosporid

11 letter words

  • hemipyramid
  • hemipteroid
  • hemisphered
  • hemorrhaged
  • hemstitched

12 letter words

  • hemihydrated
  • hemispheroid
  • hemophilioid

13 letter words

  • hemiquinonoid

15 letter words

  • hemagglutinated

What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words with 'hem' at the start and 'd' at the end?
You can make 'hempweed' scoring 19 in Scrabble.

Which word in particular from this list is made up of the largest number of characters?
There are 15 characters in the word 'hemagglutinated', which makes it the longest word veryceleb has.

How many words are there using this combination of letters?
You could make 24 words using the letter combination you searched for.

What is a weird word from all the combinations available ?
The most unusual word from this list is 'hematoid'. 'Hematoid''s definition is "Resembling blood.", according to the English dictionary.

Which word that starts with 'hem' and ends with 'd' is the most popular word in the dictionary?
A well-known word for your request is 'hemmed'.