Which word on this page is the most common?We can verify that 'higher' is the 1216th most common word.
In Scrabble, what's the most points you can get from this list of words that start with 'hi' and end with 'r'?From this particular combination, you could make 'hijacker' scoring 24 in Scrabble.
Is there a distinct word from this page of word that starts with 'hi' and ends with 'r' which could be thought of as interesting?You'll uncover numerous weird words in this list, although our favorite is 'hider'. The dictionary defines it as "One who hides or conceals.".
How many characters does the biggest word from this page contain?The longest word on this page is 'historiographer'. It is made up 15 characters.
How many words are available using these specific combinations of letters?You could derive 55 words using the specified combination.