Words with 'n' as the first letter that end with 'ct'

Your specific request has generated 20 suitable words.

6 letter words

  • nonact

7 letter words

  • neglect
  • nonfact

8 letter words

  • nonelect

9 letter words

  • nerviduct
  • nonaddict
  • nonimpact
  • noninsect

10 letter words

  • noncontact
  • nondefunct
  • nonextinct
  • nonsubject
  • nonsuspect
  • nonverdict

11 letter words

  • nonabstract
  • nonderelict
  • nondisjunct
  • nonprospect

14 letter words

  • nephrogonaduct
  • noncircumspect

Which word on this page is the most popular?
Our system says the most popular word that start with 'n' and end with 'ct' is 'neglect'.

What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?
For 12 points, one could use 'nonfact'.

How many letters are in the longest word on this list?
The longest word that's possible to derive from words that start with 'n' and end with 'ct' is 'nephrogonaduct', which contains 14 letters.

What is a weird word from all the word combos available on this list?
By far the most interesting word in this list is 'neglect'. The definition of 'neglect' is as follows: "1. Not to attend to with due care or attention; to forbear one's duty in regard to; to suffer to pass unimproved, unheeded, undone, etc.; to omit; to disregard; to slight; as, to neglect duty or business; to neglect to pay debts. I hope My absence doth neglect no great...".

How many words is it possible to make using the combination of letters requested?
You can select up to a maximum of 20 entries.