Words with 'neo' at the start and 't' at the end

The dictionary has 16 words you can use for words beginning with 'neo' and ending with 't'.

9 letter words

  • neocubist
  • neologist
  • neoterist

10 letter words

  • neodadaist
  • neoologist

11 letter words

  • neobotanist

12 letter words

  • neoplatonist

13 letter words

  • neoclassicist
  • neoconcretist
  • neoplasticist

14 letter words

  • neocolonialist
  • neophilologist

16 letter words

  • neoexpressionist
  • neoimpressionist

17 letter words

  • neoconstructivist
  • neotraditionalist

What is an unusual word that starts with 'neo' and ends with 't'?
Ranking as the most strange word on this list is 'neologist'. 'Neologist''s definition is "1. One who introduces new word or new senses of old words into a language. 2. An innovator in any doctrine or system of belif, especially in theology; one who introduces or holds doctrines subversie of supernatural or revealed religion; a rationalist, so-called.", according to the English dictionary.

How many characters does the biggest word on this page contain?
There are 17 letters in the word 'neoconstructivist', that makes it the biggest word veryceleb has.

How many words are there using this combination of letters?
There are up to a maximum of 16 entries using our page of words that start with 'neo' and end with 't'.