What is the highest possible score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 'o' and end with 'd'?As there are a considerable 1,283 entries, your best option is to go for 'ozonized' which scores 27 points.
In total, how many words are there using this combination of letters?There are 1,283 words available for any word that starts with 'o' and ends with 'd'.
Is there an example word from this page that could be considered as interesting in any regard?A good example of a strange word from this page is 'offhand'. The definition of 'offhand' is as follows: "Instant; ready; extemporaneous; as, an offhand speech; offhand excuses. -- Adv. In an offhand manner; as, he replied offhand.".
Which word that starts with 'o' and ends with 'd' is the most popular word in the dictionary?We've identified that 'old' is the 116th most common word.
How many characters does the largest word from this list consist of?The largest word you could construct from the combination specified is 'overintellectualized', and it consists of 20 characters.