How many characters does the biggest word from this page contain?The largest word found by veryceleb is 'palaeoclimatologist'. It is made up 19 letters.
What is the highest scoring word you can play in Scrabble ?With a plethora of words to select from, you should go for 'pacquet' which scores 20 points overall.
What's a strange word from this page?Standing as our favorite strange word on this list is 'precedent'. The definition of 'precedent' is as follows: "Going before; anterior; preceding; antecedent; as, precedent services. Shak. "A precedent injury." Bacon. Condition precedent (Law), a condition which precede the vesting of an estate, or the accruing of a right. 1. Something done or said that may serve as an example to authorize a subsequent act of the same kind;...". Source Oxford Dictionary.
Is there any word on this page that stands out as the most popular?As far as well-known words go, there's 'part', which is the 186th most common word.
What is the total number of words one is able to put together from words that start with 'p' and end with 't'?All in all, there are 1,935 words.