Which word that starts with 'ple' and ends with 's' is the most interesting?'Pleurapophysis' certainly ranks as the most peculiar word from our list of words that start with 'ple' and end with 's'. The dictionary defines it as "One of the ventral processes of a vertebra, or the dorsal element in each half of a hemal arch, forming, or corresponding to, a vertebral rib. -- Pleu*rap`o*phys"i*al, a. Owen.".
Which word from this list has the highest character count?There are 18 characters in the word 'pleuropericarditis', which makes it the largest word veryceleb has.
What is the most common word that starts with 'ple' and ends with 's' in the dictionary?Our system says the most popular word in the dictionary that start with 'ple' and end with 's' is 'pleasures'.
What's the total number of words one is able to assemble using this combination of letters?You can select up to 107 words on our list of words that start with 'ple' and end with 's'.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?Since there are plenty of words to select from, your best bet is 'plexuses' scoring 17 points.