What is an unusual word on this list of words that start with 'r' and end with 't'?The most unusual word based on a recently conducted poll is 'ripost'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'ripost' means "1. In fencing, a return thrust after a parry. 2. A quick and sharp refort; a repartee. J. Morley.".
In Scrabble, what's the highest number of points you can get from words beginning with 'r' and ending with 't'?With the amount of words to choose from, it's best to pick 'reequipt' which scores 19 points.
What's the longest word you can construct from words that start with 'r' and end with 't'?The biggest word one could derive from words that start with 'r' and end with 't' is 'reticulatocoalescent', which is made up of 20 characters.
Which word that starts with 'r' and ends with 't' is the most popular word?There's 'right', which ranks as the 205th most popular word.
How many actual words are possible to make using the specified combination?It's possible to make 1,171 words from the combination you searched for.