What is the most popular word for this page?Rating as the 897th most popular word, you'll want to ensure that you have 'ship' memorized.
How many characters are in the largest word from this list?The largest word is 19 characters long, which is 'subcommissionership'.
In Scrabble, what is the most points possible using words with 's' as the 1st letter that end with 'p'?With countless words to select from, you should pick 'spitzkop' scoring 25 points.
What is an unusual word from the word combinations available on this page?'Scollop' is certainly the most weird word from our list of words that start with 's' and end with 'p'. 'Scollop' is defined as "See Scallop.", according to the dictionary.
What's the total number of words you are able to assemble using this combination of letters?There are a maximum of 370 entries using our page of words beginning with 's' and ending with 'p'.