Words with 'set' at the start and 'e' at the end

For this request, there are 15 entires.

5 letter words

  • setae

6 letter words

  • setose
  • settee
  • settle
  • setule

7 letter words

  • sethite
  • setline
  • setulae
  • setwise

8 letter words

  • settable
  • settaine
  • setulose

10 letter words

  • settleable

11 letter words

  • setophagine

12 letter words

  • setophaginae

In Scrabble, what's the highest score possible from this list of words that start with 'set' and end with 'e'?
You can make 'sethite' scoring 10 in Scrabble.

Which word on this page sticks out as the most common?
The most well-known word is 'settle', which happens to be the 3364th most popular word in the dictionary.

How many words are possible to put together using this list?
There are 15 entries on this page.

What is an interesting word from this page of words that start with 'set' and end with 'e'?
One example of an unusual word from this page is 'settle'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'settle' is defined as "1. A seat of any kind. [Obs.] "Upon the settle of his majesty" Hampole. 2. A bench; especially, a bench with a high back. 3. A place made lower than the rest; a wide step or platform lower than some other part. And from the bottom upon the ground, even...".

What is the longest word you can make with this list?
There are 12 letters in the word 'setophaginae', that makes it the largest word we have.