Words with 'sw' at the start and 'm' at the end

Our database has discovered 15 terms.

4 letter words

  • swam
  • swim
  • swom
  • swum

5 letter words

  • swarm

8 letter words

  • sweepdom
  • swelldom
  • swingism

9 letter words

  • swarajism

10 letter words

  • swadeshism
  • swindledom

13 letter words

  • swedenborgism
  • sweetheartdom

15 letter words

  • swashbucklerdom

16 letter words

  • swedenborgianism

What is an interesting word from the combinations available ?
Standing as the most interesting word on this page is 'swarm'. 'Swarm''s definition is "To climb a tree, pole, or the like, by embracing it with the arms and legs alternately. See Shin. [Colloq.] At the top was placed a piece of money, as a prize for those who could swarm up and seize it. W. Coxe. 1. A large number or mass of small...", according to the dictionary.

In total, how many words is it possible to make using the combination requested?
It is possible to make 15 words using the specified combination.

What's the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words that start with 'sw' and end with 'm'?
For 16 points in Scrabble, it is possible to play 'sweepdom'.

Which word that starts with 'sw' and ends with 'm' is the most common word in the dictionary?
According to our records, the most popular word in the dictionary that start with 'sw' and end with 'm' is 'swim'.

How many letters are in the largest word on this page?
'swedenborgianism', which contains 16 characters.