Words with 'us' at the start and 'l' at the end

We're afraid only 2 results have been constructed from your particular request.

5 letter words

  • usual

6 letter words

  • useful

In Scrabble, what's the most points you can get from this list of words that start with 'us' and end with 'l'?
As there is only a handful of words to pick from, the only choice you can go for is 'useful' for a score of 9 points.

What is the most common word that starts with 'us' and ends with 'l' in the dictionary?
We can confirm that 'usual' is the 939th most common word.

What is the maximum number of words you can assemble from words that start with 'us' and end with 'l'?
You can go with up to a maximum of 2 entries using our page of words with 'us' at the start and 'l' at the end.

How many letters are in the biggest word from this list?
The word 'useful' has 6 characters.

Is there a word from this page of word that starts with 'us' and ends with 'l' which could be considered as interesting?
The most peculiar word in this list is 'usual'. It is defined as "Such as is in common use; such as occurs in ordinary practice, or in the ordinary course of events; customary; ordinary; habitual; common. Consultation with oracles was a thing very usual and frequent in their times. Hooker. We can make friends of these usual enemies. Baxter. -- U"su*al*ly, adv. --...".