Words with 'x' as the first letter that end with 'v'

Veryceleb has detected 4 suitable words.

3 letter words

  • xiv
  • xxv

4 letter words

  • xdiv
  • xxiv

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?
As there is merely a handful of words available, the only choice you can go for is 'xxiv' for a total score of 21 points.

Which word from this list has the largest character count?
The word 'xdiv' is made up of 4 characters.

How many words are there using these particular combinations of letters?
From this page of words beginning with 'x' and ending with 'v', we have found 4 entries that are available in total.

Which word that starts with 'x' and ends with 'v' is the most popular word?
A popular word for your search is 'xiv'.