Words with 'y' as the first letter that end with 'c'

Our records have found 10 entries.

5 letter words

  • yogic
  • yonic

6 letter words

  • yttric

7 letter words

  • yashmac
  • yemenic
  • yucatec

8 letter words

  • yepeleic
  • ytterbic

9 letter words

  • yahwistic

10 letter words

  • yugoslavic

What's a peculiar word from all the word combinations available ?
The most strange word in this list is 'ytterbic'. 'Ytterbic' is defined as "Pertaining to, or derived from, ytterbium; containing ytterbium.", according to the dictionary.

Which word on this page has the highest letter count?
'Yugoslavic' is the biggest word that our database could assemble.

In total, how many words could one make using the combination specified?
It's possible to assemble 10 words using the specified combination.

In Scrabble, what is the highest number of points you can get using words that start with 'y' and end with 'c'?
You could make 'yashmac' for a total score of 17 points.