How many characters does the largest word on this list contain?The word 'zeolitizing' has 11 characters.
What's the total number of words one can construct from words that start with 'z' and end with 'g'?It is possible to assemble 29 words with the specified combination.
What's the most popular word for this page?A common word for the combination you requested is 'zag'.
What's the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble from this list of words with 'z' as the 1st letter that end with 'g'?It is possible to make 'zizzling' which gets 36 points.
Which word that starts with 'z' and ends with 'g' is the most unusual?Ranking as our favorite interesting word on this page is 'zincking'. 'Zincking' is defined as "The act or process of applying zinc; galvanization.", according to the dictionary.