What's the longest word you can construct from the combination specified?There are 14 characters in the word 'zubeneschamali', that makes it the longest word veryceleb has.
How many usable words are possible to make from this combination of letters?From this page of words with 'z' as the first letter that end with 'i', you have 32 entries which are possible altogether.
What is a weird word from this page?Our team feels 'zastrugi' to be the most unusual word you can assemble. According to the dictionary, 'zastrugi' means "Grooves or furrows formed in snow by the action of the wind, and running parallel with the direction of the wind. This formation results from the erosion of transverse waves previously formed.".
In Scrabble, what is the most points possible from words that start with 'z' and end with 'i'?It is possible to make 'zambezi' which gets 29 in Scrabble.