Words with 'z' as the first letter that end with 'um'

We have detected 21 entries.

6 letter words

  • zaqqum
  • zincum
  • zythum
  • zoacum

7 letter words

  • zibetum
  • zoarium

8 letter words

  • zooecium

9 letter words

  • zygantrum
  • zirconium
  • zoocytium

10 letter words

  • zoothecium

11 letter words

  • zanthoxylum
  • zygomaticum
  • zygophyllum
  • zoocecidium
  • zoodendrium
  • zoogonidium
  • zoospermium

13 letter words

  • zoosporangium

14 letter words

  • zygosporangium
  • zilchviticetum

How many characters are in the biggest word on this page?
'zygosporangium', and contains 14 letters.

What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble available on this page ?
From this particular combination, the best word you ought to play is 'zaqqum' for a total score of 35 points.

What is an unusual word from all the word combinations possible on this page?
The most strange word in our opinion is 'zoocytium'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'zoocytium' means "The common support, often branched, of certain species of social Infusoria.".

What's the total number of words you are able to put together using this combination of letters?
You can choose from 21 entries.