In total, how many words are available using this combination of letters?On this list of words containing 'a' and ending with 'x', veryceleb has found 521 entries that can be selected.
What's the most popular word that has 'a' in and ends with 'x'?The most popular word for your search is 'aux'.
How many characters does the longest word from this page contain?The longest word is 17 letters, which is 'hydropneumothorax'.
What word that has 'a' in and ends with 'x' is the most interesting?By far the most unusual word from this list is 'sax'. 'Sax' is defined as "A kind of chopping instrument for trimming the edges of roofing slates.", according to the dictionary.
What is the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the requested combination ?Given there are dozens of words to select from, you'll want to pick 'chaffwax' scoring 29 points.