What is the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words containing 'c' and ending with 'x'?With a considerable 243 entries, your best choice is 'chaffwax' scoring 29 points.
What is the biggest word you can construct using the combination of letters searched for?The largest word on this page is 'archocystosyrinx', and consists of 16 letters
What is an interesting word on this page of words that have 'c' in and end with 'x'?Our favorite peculiar word from this page goes to 'calyx'. 'Calyx' is defined as "1. (Bot.) The covering of a flower. See Flower. Note: The calyx is usually green and foliaceous, but becomes delicate and petaloid in such flowers as the anemone and the four-o'clock. Each leaf of the calyx is called a sepal. 2. (Anat.) A cuplike division of the pelvis...", according to the dictionary.
How many words are possible to make using these specific combinations of letters?You can go with up to a maximum of 243 entries.
Is there any word on this page that stands out as the most common?According to our records, the most common word that have 'c' in and end with 'x' is 'complex'!