What's the longest word you can make using words that have 'd' in and end with 't'?'anarchoindividualist', consisting of 20 characters.
What is the most common word that has 'd' in and ends with 't' in the dictionary?'Different' is the most popular word from this list, ranked 483rd most common word.
In total, how many words is it possible to make using these particular combinations of letters?There are a maximum of 3,731 entries.
What's an interesting word from the combinations possible ?There are numerous interesting words in this list, however our favorite word at the moment is 'devout'. 'Devout''s definition is "1. Devoted to religion or to religious feelings and duties; absorbed in religious exercises; given to devotion; pious; reverent; religious. A devout man, and one that feared God. Acts x. 2. We must be constant and devout in the worship of God. Rogers. 2. Expressing devotion or piety; as, eyes...", according to the dictionary.
In Scrabble, what's the best score possible using words containing 'd' and ending with 't'?With the enormous number of words to pick from, your best option is 'dizziest' which scores 27 points overall.