Words that contain 'de' and end in 'v'

We regret to inform you that we have only found 3 suitable words.

3 letter words

  • dev

4 letter words

  • derv

5 letter words

  • deriv

Is there an example word from this page that could be considered as unique?
By far the most interesting word in this list is 'dev'. 'Dev''s definition is "A god; a deity; a divine being; an idol; a king.", according to the English dictionary.

In Scrabble, what is the most points possible from this list of words that have 'de' in and end with 'v'?
As there is just a handful of words to pick from, you can only use 'deriv' for a score of 9 points.

What is the max number of words you're able to create from this combination of letters?
There are 3 entries using our list of words that have 'de' in and end with 'v'.

How many letters are in the longest word on this list?
There are 5 letters in the word 'deriv', that makes it the largest word veryceleb has.