Is there an example word from this page of word with 'ep' in them which might be considered as unique in any regard?The most interesting word from this page is certainly 'cephalotomy'. According to the dictionary, 'cephalotomy' means "1. Dissection or opening of the head. 2. (Med.) Craniotomy; -- usually applied to bisection of the fetal head with a saw.".
What is the biggest word you can derive from this list?There are 27 letters in the word 'electroencephalographically', making it the largest word we have.
Which word with 'ep' in them is the most common word in the dictionary?The most common word in the dictionary is 'keep', which is in fact the 339th most popular word in the dictionary.
What's the best score you can get in Scrabble from this list of words with 'ep' in them?As there are an overwhelming 8,533 entries, you'll want to select 'bepuzzle' scoring 30 points.
In total, how many words are possible to make using this combination of letters?One could derive 8,533 words using the specified combination.