What's the highest number of points you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that include 'ev'?With an overwhelming 3,383 entries, you should go for 'kevutzah' which scores 27 points.
In total, how many words could one make using this list?In total, there are exactly 3,383 words.
What is the most popular word on this page?According to our database, the most common word in the dictionary with 'ev' in them is 'never'!
How many letters are in the largest word on this list?The longest word that's possible to derive from this list is 'counterrevolutionaries', which contains 22 characters.
What is an interesting word from the combinations available ?Our team thinks 'mediaevalist' to be the most interesting word. The definition of 'mediaevalist' is as follows: "One who has a taste for, or is versed in, the history of the Middle Ages; one in sympathy with the spirit or forms of the Middle Ages. [Written also medievalist.]". Source Cambridge Dictionary.