What is the most unusual word from this page?The most strange word in this list is 'formularize'. The dictionary defines it as "To reduce to a forula; to formulate.".
What's the max number of words you are able to assemble from this combination of letters?You can pick from up to 4,573 entries on this page.
Which word that has 'f' in and ends with 'e' is the most popular word?The most well-known word for the combination you searched is 'before'.
In Scrabble, what's the highest score you can get from this list of words containing 'f' and ending with 'e'?Since there are an extensive 4,573 entries, it's best to pick 'frazzle' which scores 28 points in total.
Which word in particular on this page consists the highest number of characters?The biggest word is 24 characters long, which is 'formaldehydesulphoxylate'.