Which word from this list has the largest character count?The longest word on this page is 'snailfishessnailflower'. It consists of 22 letters.
How many usable words are possible to put together using the combination searched for?You could make 2,162 words from the combination of words that have 'f' in and end with 'r'.
Is there an example word from this page that could be thought of as interesting in any respect?You'll note numerous interesting words in this list, although our favorite is 'spirifer'. 'Spirifer''s definition is "Any one of numerous species of fossil brachipods of the genus Spirifer, or Delthyris, and allied genera, in which the long calcareous supports of the arms form a large spiral, or helix, on each side.", according to the dictionary.
What is the most popular word on this page?We're able to confirm that 'for' is the 15th most common word.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble with the requested combination ?Since there are a vast 2,162 entries, your best bet is to go for 'frizzier' scoring 29 points.