Words that contain 'g' and end in 'v'

14 combinations have been identified.

2 letter words

  • gv

3 letter words

  • gov
  • guv

4 letter words

  • galv
  • grav

5 letter words

  • ganev
  • gconv

7 letter words

  • isogriv

8 letter words

  • grundlov
  • yugoslav
  • jugoslav
  • mangabev

10 letter words

  • kolmogorov
  • legislativ

What is the maximum number of words you can put together using words that have 'g' in and end with 'v'?
It is possible to derive 14 words using the combination you searched for.

What is the best score you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that contain 'g' and end in 'v'?
You can make 'jugoslav' scoring 19 points.

What's the largest word you can derive using words that have 'g' in and end with 'v'?
The largest word is 10 letters long, which is 'kolmogorov'.