Which word that has 'h' in and ends with 'p' is the most popular word?As far as well-known words go, there's 'help', which is the 428th most common word.
What's the highest scoring word in Scrabble available from this list ?As there are an overwhelming 1,450 entries, you should select 'lazyship' scoring 25 points.
How many words are available using this combination of letters?You can go with up to a maximum of 1,450 entries.
What is the largest word you can make using this list?'historiographership'.
What is a peculiar word on this list of words that have 'h' in and end with 'p'?Standing as our favorite interesting word on this list is 'hemicarp'. 'Hemicarp''s definition is "One portion of a fruit that spontaneously divides into halves.", according to the dictionary.