How many words are possible to make using the specified combination?There are 94 words.
Which word that has 'j' in and ends with 'k' is the most popular word?Our database notes that the most common word that have 'j' in and end with 'k' is 'jerk'!
What is the highest possible score you're able to get in Scrabble using this list of words containing 'j' and ending with 'k'?For 29 points, one can play 'whipjack'.
What is an unusual word from all the word combinations possible ?Ranking as our favorite weird word on this page is 'journeywork'. According to the Oxford dictionary, 'journeywork' means "Originally, work done by the day; work done by a journeyman at his trade.".
How many letters are in the longest word on this list?The longest word is 12 characters, which is 'jestingstock'.