Is there a word on this page that jumps out as the most common?Ranking as the 5080th most popular word, you'll want to ensure that you've got 'tomb' in your arsenal.
How many letters does the biggest word on this page contain?There are 12 characters in the word 'microcoulomb', that makes it the longest word on this page.
In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score you can get using words that have 'm' in and end with 'b'?Given there are an enormous 150 entries, your best option is to consider 'buzzbomb' scoring 34 points.
How many possible words can you make using these particular combinations of letters?You can select up to a maximum of 150 entries on our page of words that contain 'm' and end in 'b'.
Is there an example of a word from this page of word that has 'm' in and ends with 'b' that could be deemed as unique?There are a handful of peculiar words on this page, albeit our favorite word at the moment is 'bomb'. 'Bomb' is defined as "1. A great noise; a hollow sound. [Obs.] A pillar of iron . . . Which if you had struck, would make . . . A great bomb in the chamber beneath. Bacon. 2. (Mil.) A shell; esp. A spherical shell, like those fired from mortars. See Shell. 3....", according to the dictionary.