How many words could one make using the specified combination?522.
What is the most popular word with 'nj' in them?The most popular word is 'enjoy', which in fact is the 2137th most popular word in this list.
What is the highest number of points you're able to get in Scrabble from this list of words with 'nj' in them?Given there are loads of words to pick from, your best bet is 'zanjero' scoring 23 points in total.
Is there a word from this page of word with 'nj' in them which could be thought of as unusual in any respect?One of the most stand out words from this list is 'enjoyment'. The typical definition of 'enjoyment' is as follows: "1. The condition of enjoying anything; pleasure or satisfaction, as in the possession or occupancy of anything; possession and use; as, the enjoyment of an estate. 2. That which gives pleasure or keen satisfaction. The hope of everlasting enjoyments. Glanvill. Syn. -- Pleasure; satisfaction; gratification; fruition; happiness; felicity; delight.".
How many letters are in the biggest word on this list?The biggest word is 22 letters, which is 'blepharoconjunctivitis'.