Words that contain 'q' and end in 'b'

The combination requested has resulted in 8 entries.

4 letter words

  • quab
  • quib

5 letter words

  • saqib
  • squab
  • squib

7 letter words

  • aquabib
  • besquib
  • inqilab

What is the longest word you can make with the combination of letters searched for?
The biggest word is 7 characters long, which is 'aquabib'.

Which word on this page stands out as the most common?
We can confirm that 'squib' is the 85463rd most common word.

What word from this list is the most unusual?
You'll notice many weird words in this list, however our favorite is 'quab'. 'Quab' is defined as "An unfledged bird; hence, something immature or unfinished. Ford. See Quob, v. I.", according to the dictionary.

In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score possible from this list of words containing 'q' and ending with 'b'?
For a total of 20 points in Scrabble, you could play 'aquabib'.

What is the total number of words you are able to put together using this combination of letters?
It is possible to derive 8 words with the letter combination you specified.