What's the highest possible score you can get in Scrabble using this list of words that have 'q' in and end with 'd'?With a considerable 428 entries, we'd suggest picking 'quizzed' which scores 35 points.
How many usable words could one make using the combination searched for?You can pick from up to a maximum of 428 entries on this page.
What's an unusual word from the combinations available ?There are a handful of weird words in this list, although our favorite word is 'quadrifurcated'. 'Quadrifurcated''s definition is "Having four forks, or branches.", according to the dictionary.
What's the most common word that has 'q' in and ends with 'd'?'Required' is the most popular word from this page, ranked 1140th most common word.
How many letters does the longest word on this page contain?'squamosoimbricated', which consists of 18 characters.