How many letters are in the longest word from this list?Try 'pseudolamellibranchiata', which consists of 23 characters.
What is the most popular word that has 'r' in and ends with 'a' in the dictionary?The most well-known word for your request is 'para'.
In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score possible from words containing 'r' and ending with 'a'?Considering the wide range of words from which to select, it's best to go for 'carrozza' which scores 28 points in total.
What's an unusual word from all the word combinations available ?'Foutra' is certainly the most unusual word in our list of words that have 'r' in and end with 'a'. According to the English dictionary, 'foutra' means "A fig; -- a word of contempt. [Obs.] A foutra for the world and wordlings base! Shak.".
How many viable words are possible to put together using the combination specified?From this page of words that have 'r' in and end with 'a', there are 7,841 amazing combinations which can be selected.