In Scrabble, what is the highest possible score possible from this list of words that contain 't' and end in 'p'?With the massive number of words to choose from, we'd suggest going for 'spitzkop' which scores 25 points overall.
What is a weird word on this list?Our favorite interesting word from this list goes to 'satrap'. 'Satrap' is defined as "The governor of a province in ancient Persia; hence, a petty autocrat despot.", according to the dictionary.
What's the maximum number of words you could make from this list?There are 940 words in total.
How many letters does the longest word from this page contain?'Historiographership' is the longest word that we could construct.
Which word that has 't' in and ends with 'p' is the most common word?A popular word for the combination you requested is 'top'.